Top Snacks to take on Walks - Walks Around Britain

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Top snacks to take on walks

It might not have been Napoleon Bonaparte who said "an army matches on its stomach", but us walkers certainly do too.  However, whilst it is easy to make sure you have a good breakfast before you go walking, it’s harder to know what to pack in your backpack for snacks en route.

So, here’s our top suggestions for snacks to pack to keep you going through the walk…

Undoubtedly the best walking snack food known to mankind!  

Bananas are a fantastic source of slow-release energy, making them guaranteed to see you through the morning’s walking and well into the afternoon.  Like other fruit, they are a great source of vitamin C – essential to help fight off any nasty bugs.

A fruit which has become largely ignored, thanks to popular image of nuts being fattening.  Well, if you eat a bag of salted nuts every day, they probably are – but as a snack food whilst walking, nuts are fantastic.  

They are a good source of protein and contain essential fatty acids – these are “good fats” which will give you a boost of nutritious energy.
Oat-based Cereal Bars

You’ve got to love those oats… especially as they are great at keeping your energy levels up throughout the day’s walking.  Carrying a vat of porridge around the Northumberland hills isn’t really an option – but a couple of oat-based cereal bars should fit into a daysack pocket.  The carbohydrates included within will sort your energy for quite a while.
Dried Fruits

All dried fruit is a good source of energy.  The main benefits of dried fruit for walkers is their space-saving and long-life properties – making them excellent for multi-day walks.  

The fibre content will fill you up and help keep your intestines in fine working order.
Raw Vegetables

If you can prepare some chopped carrot, cucumber, red peppers, etc, then they make a super crunchy snack.  

The ones we’ve mentioned have a great mix of lycopene, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C – all in a small tub of crunchy colour!

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